Climate Change as a Game 
(Co)Designing with Children the Landscape of the Future 

Content | This is a video interview shot by TU Delft TV on the course Climate Change as a Game 
Video | Ben Cornelisse | TU Delft TV 

The Power of Play
(Co)Designing with Children Landscapes of Change

Date | 22 April 2024  
Venue | TU Delft BK  
Content | The video shows the seminar The Power of Play held at TU Delft 
Organizer | Laura Cipriani 
Speakers | Laura Cipriani (TU Delft) | Maguelonne Dejeant-Pons (Council of Europe) | Mathieu Gielen (TU Delft) | Alison Goss (University of Ottawa) | Roberto Pasini (University of Bologna) | Valerio Perna (Universiteti Polis) | Belinda Tato (Harvard Design School) 

Playful Pedagogies
(Co)Designing Landscapes of Change with Children 

Date | 24 September 2024  
Venue | TU Delft Teaching Academy  
Content | The video shows the seminar Playful Pedagogies held at TU Delft Teaching Academy
OrganizerTeaching Academy
Speaker | Laura Cipriani (TU Delft)

Climate Change as a Game. Playful Pedagogies

The first results of the Comenius Program are published in the following publication: 
Cipriani, L. ed. (2024) Climate Change as a Game: Playful Pedagogies. TU Delft Open Publishing, Delft.